package tezos-protocol-012-Psithaca

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Types representing results of applying an operation.

These are used internally by Apply, and can be used for experimenting with protocol updates, by clients to print out a summary of the operation at pre-injection simulation and at confirmation time, and by block explorers.

type 'kind operation_metadata = {
  1. contents : 'kind contents_result_list;

Result of applying a Operation.t. Follows the same structure.

and packed_operation_metadata =
  1. | Operation_metadata : 'kind operation_metadata -> packed_operation_metadata
  2. | No_operation_metadata : packed_operation_metadata
and 'kind contents_result_list =
  1. | Single_result : 'kind contents_result -> 'kind contents_result_list
  2. | Cons_result : 'kind Alpha_context.Kind.manager contents_result * 'rest Alpha_context.Kind.manager contents_result_list -> ('kind * 'rest) Alpha_context.Kind.manager contents_result_list

Result of applying a Operation.contents_list. Follows the same structure.

and packed_contents_result_list =
  1. | Contents_result_list : 'kind contents_result_list -> packed_contents_result_list

Result of applying an Operation.contents. Follows the same structure.

and packed_contents_result =
  1. | Contents_result : 'kind contents_result -> packed_contents_result
and 'kind manager_operation_result =
  1. | Applied of 'kind successful_manager_operation_result
  2. | Skipped : 'kind Alpha_context.Kind.manager -> 'kind manager_operation_result

The result of an operation in the queue. Skipped ones should always be at the tail, and after a single Failed.

and _ successful_manager_operation_result =
  1. | Reveal_result : {
    1. consumed_gas : Alpha_context.Gas.Arith.fp;
    } -> Alpha_context.Kind.reveal successful_manager_operation_result
  2. | Transaction_result : {
    1. storage : Alpha_context.Script.expr option;
    2. lazy_storage_diff : Alpha_context.Lazy_storage.diffs option;
    3. balance_updates : Alpha_context.Receipt.balance_updates;
    4. originated_contracts : Alpha_context.Contract.t list;
    5. consumed_gas : Alpha_context.Gas.Arith.fp;
    6. storage_size : Z.t;
    7. paid_storage_size_diff : Z.t;
    8. allocated_destination_contract : bool;
    } -> Alpha_context.Kind.transaction successful_manager_operation_result
  3. | Origination_result : {
    1. lazy_storage_diff : Alpha_context.Lazy_storage.diffs option;
    2. balance_updates : Alpha_context.Receipt.balance_updates;
    3. originated_contracts : Alpha_context.Contract.t list;
    4. consumed_gas : Alpha_context.Gas.Arith.fp;
    5. storage_size : Z.t;
    6. paid_storage_size_diff : Z.t;
    } -> Alpha_context.Kind.origination successful_manager_operation_result
  4. | Delegation_result : {
    1. consumed_gas : Alpha_context.Gas.Arith.fp;
    } -> Alpha_context.Kind.delegation successful_manager_operation_result
  5. | Register_global_constant_result : {
    1. balance_updates : Alpha_context.Receipt.balance_updates;
    2. consumed_gas : Alpha_context.Gas.Arith.fp;
    3. size_of_constant : Z.t;
    4. global_address : Script_expr_hash.t;
    } -> Alpha_context.Kind.register_global_constant successful_manager_operation_result
  6. | Set_deposits_limit_result : {
    1. consumed_gas : Alpha_context.Gas.Arith.fp;
    } -> Alpha_context.Kind.set_deposits_limit successful_manager_operation_result

Result of applying a manager_operation_content, either internal or external.

and packed_successful_manager_operation_result =
  1. | Successful_manager_result : 'kind successful_manager_operation_result -> packed_successful_manager_operation_result
and packed_internal_operation_result =
  1. | Internal_operation_result : 'kind Alpha_context.internal_operation * 'kind manager_operation_result -> packed_internal_operation_result
val operation_metadata_encoding : packed_operation_metadata Data_encoding.t

Serializer for packed_operation_result.

type packed_contents_and_result_list =
  1. | Contents_and_result_list : 'kind contents_and_result_list -> packed_contents_and_result_list
val contents_and_result_list_encoding : packed_contents_and_result_list Data_encoding.t
val pack_contents_list : 'kind Alpha_context.contents_list -> 'kind contents_result_list -> 'kind contents_and_result_list
val unpack_contents_list : 'kind contents_and_result_list -> 'kind Alpha_context.contents_list * 'kind contents_result_list
type ('a, 'b) eq =
  1. | Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
val kind_equal_list : 'kind Alpha_context.contents_list -> 'kind2 contents_result_list -> ('kind, 'kind2) eq option
type block_metadata = {
  1. proposer : Tezos_crypto.Signature.public_key_hash;
  2. baker : Tezos_crypto.Signature.public_key_hash;
  3. level_info : Alpha_context.Level.t;
  4. voting_period_info :;
  5. nonce_hash : Nonce_hash.t option;
  6. consumed_gas : Alpha_context.Gas.Arith.fp;
  7. deactivated : Tezos_crypto.Signature.public_key_hash list;
  8. balance_updates : Alpha_context.Receipt.balance_updates;
  9. liquidity_baking_escape_ema : Alpha_context.Liquidity_baking.escape_ema;
  10. implicit_operations_results : packed_successful_manager_operation_result list;
val block_metadata_encoding : block_metadata Data_encoding.t
type precheck_result = {
  1. consumed_gas : Alpha_context.Gas.Arith.fp;
  2. balance_updates : Alpha_context.Receipt.balance_updates;
type 'kind prechecked_contents = {
  1. contents : 'kind Alpha_context.contents;
  2. result : precheck_result;
type _ prechecked_contents_list =
  1. | PrecheckedSingle : 'kind prechecked_contents -> 'kind prechecked_contents_list
  2. | PrecheckedCons : 'kind Alpha_context.Kind.manager prechecked_contents * 'rest Alpha_context.Kind.manager prechecked_contents_list -> ('kind * 'rest) Alpha_context.Kind.manager prechecked_contents_list

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