package tezos-protocol-004-Pt24m4xi

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Kind : sig ... end
type raw = Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Operation.t = {
  1. shell : Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Operation.shell_header;
  2. proto : Tezos_protocol_environment_structs.V0.M.MBytes.t;
val raw_encoding : raw Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Data_encoding.t
type 'kind operation = {
  1. shell : Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Operation.shell_header;
  2. protocol_data : 'kind protocol_data;
and 'kind protocol_data = {
  1. contents : 'kind contents_list;
  2. signature : Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Signature.t option;
and _ contents_list =
  1. | Single : 'kind contents -> 'kind contents_list
  2. | Cons : 'kind Kind.manager contents * 'rest Kind.manager contents_list -> ('kind * 'rest) Kind.manager contents_list
and _ contents =
  1. | Endorsement : {
    1. level : Raw_level_repr.t;
    } -> Kind.endorsement contents
  2. | Seed_nonce_revelation : {
    1. level : Raw_level_repr.t;
    2. nonce : Seed_repr.nonce;
    } -> Kind.seed_nonce_revelation contents
  3. | Double_endorsement_evidence : {
    1. op1 : Kind.endorsement operation;
    2. op2 : Kind.endorsement operation;
    } -> Kind.double_endorsement_evidence contents
  4. | Double_baking_evidence : {
    1. bh1 : Block_header_repr.t;
    2. bh2 : Block_header_repr.t;
    } -> Kind.double_baking_evidence contents
  5. | Manager_operation : {
    1. source : Contract_repr.contract;
    2. fee : Tez_repr.tez;
    3. counter : counter;
    4. operation : 'kind manager_operation;
    5. gas_limit : Z.t;
    6. storage_limit : Z.t;
    } -> 'kind Kind.manager contents
and _ manager_operation =
  1. | Transaction : {
    1. amount : Tez_repr.tez;
    2. parameters : Script_repr.lazy_expr option;
    3. destination : Contract_repr.contract;
    } -> Kind.transaction manager_operation
and counter = Z.t
type 'kind internal_operation = {
  1. source : Contract_repr.contract;
  2. operation : 'kind manager_operation;
  3. nonce : int;
type packed_manager_operation =
  1. | Manager : 'kind manager_operation -> packed_manager_operation
type packed_contents =
  1. | Contents : 'kind contents -> packed_contents
type packed_contents_list =
  1. | Contents_list : 'kind contents_list -> packed_contents_list
type packed_protocol_data =
  1. | Operation_data : 'kind protocol_data -> packed_protocol_data
type packed_operation = {
  1. shell : Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Operation.shell_header;
  2. protocol_data : packed_protocol_data;
val pack : 'kind operation -> packed_operation
type packed_internal_operation =
  1. | Internal_operation : 'kind internal_operation -> packed_internal_operation
val manager_kind : 'kind manager_operation -> 'kind Kind.manager
val encoding : packed_operation Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Data_encoding.t
val contents_encoding : packed_contents Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Data_encoding.t
val contents_list_encoding : packed_contents_list Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Data_encoding.t
val protocol_data_encoding : packed_protocol_data Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Data_encoding.t
val unsigned_operation_encoding : (Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Operation.shell_header * packed_contents_list) Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Data_encoding.t
val raw : _ operation -> raw
val hash_raw : raw -> Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Operation_hash.t
val hash : _ operation -> Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Operation_hash.t
val hash_packed : packed_operation -> Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Operation_hash.t
val acceptable_passes : packed_operation -> int list
type Tezos_protocol_environment_004_Pt24m4xi__Environment.Error_monad.error +=
  1. | Missing_signature
type Tezos_protocol_environment_004_Pt24m4xi__Environment.Error_monad.error +=
  1. | Invalid_signature
val check_signature : Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Signature.public_key -> Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Chain_id.t -> _ operation -> (unit, Tezos_protocol_environment_004_Pt24m4xi__Environment.Error_monad.error list) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val check_signature_sync : Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Signature.public_key -> Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Chain_id.t -> _ operation -> (unit, Tezos_protocol_environment_004_Pt24m4xi__Environment.Error_monad.error list) Stdlib.result
val internal_operation_encoding : packed_internal_operation Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Data_encoding.t
type ('a, 'b) eq =
  1. | Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
val equal : 'a operation -> 'b operation -> ('a, 'b) eq option
module Encoding : sig ... end

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