package bonsai

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val reveal_value : 'a Value.t -> 'a Private_value.t
val conceal_value : 'a Private_value.t -> 'a Value.t
val reveal_computation : 'a Computation.t -> 'a Private_computation.t
val conceal_computation : 'a Private_computation.t -> 'a Computation.t
val path : Bonsai__.Path.t Computation.t
module Value = Private_value
module Computation = Private_computation
module Input : sig ... end
module Environment : sig ... end
module Meta : sig ... end

Meta.Model and Meta.Action contain the necessary functions associated with the hidden model and action types of Bonsai components. These are stored in

module Snapshot : sig ... end

A snapshot represents the state of a component at an instant in time.

module Lifecycle : sig ... end
module Path : sig ... end
module Node_path : sig ... end
module Graph_info : sig ... end
module Instrumentation : sig ... end
module Flatten_values : sig ... end
module Constant_fold : sig ... end
module Skeleton : sig ... end
module Transform : sig ... end
module Linter : sig ... end
module Pre_process : sig ... end
val gather : 'result Computation.t -> 'result Computation.packed_info
val pre_process : 'result Computation.t -> 'result Computation.t

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