package bonsai

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Arrow_deprecated : sig ... end
module Start = Start.Proc
module Bonsai = Bonsai
module Incr = Ui_incr
module Vdom = Virtual_dom.Vdom
module View = Bonsai_web_ui_view
module To_incr_dom : sig ... end
module Persistent_var : sig ... end
module Rpc_effect : sig ... end
include module type of struct include Bonsai.For_open end
module Computation = Bonsai.For_open.Computation
module Value = Bonsai.For_open.Value
val am_running_how : [ `Browser | `Browser_benchmark | `Node | `Node_benchmark | `Node_test ]

am_running_how provides information on how the code is currently being run:

  • `Node_test means that the code is being run using node as part of an expect_test
  • `Node_benchmark means that the code is being run using node as part of a benchmark
  • `Node means that the code is being run using node, but not as part of an expect_test or a benchmark
  • `Browser_benchmark means that the code is being run in the browser as part of a benchmark
  • `Browser means that the code is being run in a browser but not as part of a benchmark
val am_within_disabled_fieldset : Js_of_ocaml.Dom_html.event Js_of_ocaml.Js.t -> bool

am_within_disabled_fieldset traverses up the DOM to see whether an event occurred within a fieldset element with the disabled attribute. As this function requires DOM interaction, it will return false if the code is not running in the browser.

Note: because this function bubbles up from the target of the event, it's possible that the event occurs within a disabled fieldset, but the form element which performs this check is not within a disabled fieldset (or vice versa). For example, mousemove events will originate from the element under the mouse, so if the mouse is over a different disabled form, am_within_disabled_fieldset will be true, even if the component which performs this check is not.

module Effect : sig ... end

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