package core

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Industrial strength alternative to OCaml's standard library


Dune Dependency






The Core suite of libraries is an industrial strength alternative to OCaml's standard library that was developed by Jane Street, the largest industrial user of OCaml.

This is the system-independent part of Core. Unix-specific parts were moved to [core-unix].

Published: 14 Oct 2022

Dependencies (22)

  1. dune >= "2.0.0"
  2. variantslib >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  3. typerep >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  4. time_now >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  5. stdio >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  6. splittable_random >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  7. sexplib >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  8. ppx_sexp_message >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  9. ppx_sexp_conv >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  10. ppx_jane >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  11. ppx_inline_test >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  12. ppx_hash >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  13. ppx_base >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  14. ppx_assert >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  15. jst-config >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  16. jane-street-headers >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  17. fieldslib >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  18. bin_prot >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  19. base_quickcheck >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  20. base_bigstring >= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"
  21. base >= "v0.15.1" & < "v0.16"
  22. ocaml >= "4.11.0" & < "5.1~"

Dev Dependencies


  1. accessor_async = "v0.15.0"
  2. accessor_core = "v0.15.0"
  3. alcotest-async >= "1.3.0" & < "1.8.0"
  4. amf < "0.1.2"
  5. anthill
  6. arakoon >= "1.9.17"
  7. arrayjit < "0.4.1"
  8. async = "v0.15.0"
  9. async-mvar
  10. async-zmq >= "0.1.0"
  11. async_durable = "v0.15.0"
  12. async_extra < "108.00.02" | = "v0.15.0"
  13. async_find = "v0.15.0"
  14. async_inotify = "v0.15.0"
  15. async_interactive = "v0.15.0"
  16. async_kernel = "v0.15.0"
  17. async_rpc_kernel = "v0.15.0"
  18. async_sendfile = "v0.15.0"
  19. async_shell = "v0.15.0"
  20. async_smtp = "v0.15.0"
  21. async_ssl = "v0.15.0"
  22. async_unix < "108.00.02" | = "v0.15.0"
  23. aws-s3 < "1.1.0" | >= "2.0.0" & < "4.0.0"
  24. aws-s3-async >= "4.6.0" & < "4.8.1"
  25. awsm-codegen
  26. bastet_async
  27. bigdecimal < "v0.16.0"
  28. bignum = "v0.15.0"
  29. bio_io >= "0.1.2" & < "0.5.1"
  30. biocaml >= "0.11.2"
  31. biotk = "0.2.0"
  32. bistro < "0.2.0"
  33. bonsai >= "v0.15.0" & < "v0.16.0"
  34. boulangerie
  35. camlix
  36. capnp >= "3.0.0" & < "3.2.1"
  37. caqti-async >= "1.9.0" & < "2.1.1"
  38. caravan
  39. cohttp-async >= "2.5.2" & < "2.5.3" | = "2.5.6" | = "2.5.8" | = "5.0.0" | >= "5.3.0"
  40. cohttp-curl-async < "6.0.0~alpha2"
  41. cohttp_async_websocket < "v0.16.0"
  42. colibrics
  43. combinat >= "3.0"
  44. comby
  45. command_rpc = "v0.15.0"
  46. conduit-async >= "1.2.0"
  47. conduit-async-ssl
  48. conduit-async-tls
  49. core_bench = "v0.15.0"
  50. core_extended = "v0.15.0"
  51. core_kernel = "v0.15.0"
  52. core_profiler = "v0.15.0"
  53. core_unix >= "v0.15.0" & < "v0.16.0"
  54. cstruct-async >= "6.1.0"
  55. csvfields >= "v0.15.0" & < "v0.16.0"
  56. cuid
  57. delimited_parsing = "v0.15.0"
  58. disml
  59. ecaml = "v0.15.0"
  60. email_message = "v0.15.0"
  61. embedded_ocaml_templates >= "0.3.1" & < "0.6"
  62. env_config < "v0.16.0"
  63. expect_test_helpers_async = "v0.15.0"
  64. expect_test_helpers_core = "v0.15.0"
  65. facebook-sdk >= "0.3.1"
  66. faraday-async >= "0.8.2"
  67. ff-bench >= "0.6.2"
  68. file_path < "v0.16.0"
  69. flow < "0.2"
  70. frenetic = "2.0.0" | >= "3.1.0" & < "5.0.0"
  71. fuzzy_compare >= "2.0.0"
  72. fuzzy_match < "v0.16.0"
  73. gemini < "0.3.0"
  74. gen_server
  75. gluten-async >= "0.3.0"
  76. gopcaml-mode
  77. gopcaml-mode-merlin
  78. gpiod
  79. grace
  80. gradescope_submit
  81. hack_parallel < "1.0.0"
  82. hardcaml_c < "v0.16.0"
  83. hardcaml_verilator < "v0.16.0"
  84. hardcaml_xilinx_components < "v0.16.0"
  85. hex_encode < "v0.16.0"
  86. hg_lib < "v0.16.0"
  87. http < "6.0.0~alpha2"
  88. httpaf_caged >= "1.0.1"
  89. ibx < "0.5.9" | = "0.7.2" | >= "0.8.0"
  90. incr_dom >= "v0.15.0" & < "v0.16.0"
  91. incr_map = "v0.15.0"
  92. incr_select = "v0.15.0"
  93. incremental = "v0.15.0"
  94. js_of_ocaml-webgpu
  95. krb < "v0.16.0"
  96. lambda_streams_async
  97. libsvm < "0.9.3"
  98. line-up-words < "v0.11.0" | = "v0.15.0"
  99. liquid_interpreter
  100. liquid_ml
  101. liquid_parser
  102. liquid_std
  103. liquid_syntax
  104. little_logger = "0.2.0"
  105. m_tree
  106. magic-trace
  107. mlt_parser = "v0.15.0"
  108. mqtt_client
  109. netsnmp = "v0.15.0"
  110. neural_nets_lib < "0.4.1"
  111. nocoiner
  112. numalib
  113. obeanstalk
  114. ocaml-embed-file < "v0.16.0"
  115. ocaml_plugin >= "v0.15.0"
  116. ocamlapi_ppx
  117. opam-sync-github-prs
  118. openapi
  119. openapi_router
  120. openflow >= "0.3.0" & < "0.9.0"
  121. opium < "0.12.0"
  122. orewa
  123. osbx < "1.1.1"
  124. ox >= "1.1.0"
  125. oxylc
  126. p4pp >= "0.1.12"
  127. packstream
  128. pam = "v0.15.0"
  129. pari
  130. pari-bindings
  131. patdiff = "v0.15.0"
  132. patience_diff = "v0.15.0"
  133. phylogenetics = "0.2.0"
  134. pixel_pusher >= "1.1"
  135. plateau
  136. polars
  137. polars_async
  138. postgres_async = "v0.15.0"
  139. ppx_bitstring < "1.3.0"
  140. ppx_css < "v0.16.0"
  141. ppx_rapper < "1.0.1"
  142. ppx_typed_fields < "v0.16.0"
  143. prob-cache
  144. protocol_version_header = "v0.15.0"
  145. pyml_bindgen = "0.2.0"
  146. re2 = "v0.15.0"
  147. red-black-tree
  148. redis-async < "v0.16.0"
  149. resource_cache = "v0.15.0"
  150. riakc >= "1.0.0"
  151. riakc_ppx != "3.1.3"
  152. rpc_parallel = "v0.15.0"
  153. SZXX >= "3.0.0" & < "4.0.0"
  154. safemoney < "0.2.0"
  155. sarif < "0.2.1"
  156. satyrographos >= "" & != ""
  157. sentry >= "v0.11.0"
  158. sexp = "v0.15.0"
  159. sexp_diff < "v0.16.0"
  160. sexp_string_quickcheck < "v0.16.0"
  161. shell = "v0.15.0"
  162. shuttle >= "0.4.0"
  163. shuttle_http < "0.8.1"
  164. sill
  165. sociaml-tumblr-api < "0.2.0"
  166. splay_tree = "v0.15.0"
  167. stationary
  168. tdigest >= "2.0.0" & < "2.2.0"
  169. textutils = "v0.15.0"
  170. textutils_kernel = "v0.15.0"
  171. timezone = "v0.15.0"
  172. tls-async >= "0.15.3" & < "0.17.1"
  173. toplevel_backend >= "v0.15.0" & < "v0.16.0"
  174. toplevel_expect_test >= "v0.15.0" & < "v0.16.0"
  175. tracing < "v0.16.0"
  176. tube < "4.1.1"
  177. username_kernel < "v0.16.0"
  178. vcaml = "v0.15.0"
  179. virtual_dom >= "v0.15.0" & < "v0.16.0"
  180. vrt
  181. websocket-async >= "2.16"
  182. yara
  183. yojson-bench
  184. zstandard = "v0.15.0"




Innovation. Community. Security.