package goblint

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

This is the main program!

val writeconffile : string Prelude.ref
val print_version : 'a -> 'b

Print version and bail.

val print_help : 'a BatInnerIO.output -> 'b

Print helpful messages.

val create_temp_dir : unit -> unit
val remove_temp_dir : unit -> unit
val option_spec_list : (string * Arg.spec * string) list

Arg option specification

val cFileNames : string list Prelude.ref

List of C files to consider.

val parse_arguments : unit -> unit

Parse arguments and fill cFileNames and jsonFiles. Print help if needed.

val handle_flags : unit -> unit

Initialize some globals in other modules.

val preprocess_one_file : string -> string -> string

Use gcc to preprocess a file. Returns the path to the preprocessed file.

val preprocess_files : unit -> string list

Preprocess all files. Return list of preprocessed files and the temp directory name.

val merge_preprocessed : string list -> Cil.file

Possibly merge all postprocessed files

val do_stats : unit -> unit
val do_analyze : Analyses.increment_data -> Cil.file -> unit

Perform the analysis over the merged AST.

val do_html_output : unit -> unit
val do_gobview : unit -> unit
val eprint_color : string -> unit
val check_arguments : unit -> unit
val handle_extraspecials : unit -> unit
val diff_and_rename : Cil.file -> Analyses.increment_data
val main : unit -> unit

the main function


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