package goblint

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type cpu = {
  1. os : os;
  2. appmodes : appmode list;
  3. tasks : task list;
  4. counters : counter list;
  5. interrupts : isr list;
and obj =
  1. | Os of os
  2. | Appmode of os
  3. | Task of task
  4. | Counter of counter
  5. | Alarm of alarm
  6. | Resource of resource
  7. | Event of event
  8. | Isr of isr
  9. | Message of message
  10. | Com of unit
  11. | Ipdu of unit
  12. | Nm of unit
and os = {
  1. status : [ `STANDARD | `EXTENDED ];
  2. errorhook : bool;
  3. pretaskhook : bool;
  4. startuphook : bool;
  5. shutdownhook : bool;
  6. userrescheduler : bool;
and appmode = {
  1. name : string;
and task = {
  1. priority : int;
  2. schedule : [ `NON | `FULL ];
  3. activation : int;
  4. autostart : [ `FALSE | `TRUE of appmode list ];
  5. resources : resource list;
  6. events : event list;
  7. messages : message list;
and counter = {
  1. maxallowedvalue : int;
  2. ticksperbase : int;
  3. mincycle : int;
and alarm = {
  1. counter : counter;
  2. action : [ `ACTIVATETASK of task | `SETEVENT of task * event | `ALARMCALLBACK of string ];
  3. alarm_autostart : [ `FALSE | `TRUE of alarm_autostart ];
and alarm_autostart = {
  1. alarmtime : int;
  2. cycletime : int;
  3. appmode : appmode list;
and resource = {
  1. resourceproperty : [ `STANDARD | `LINKED | `INTERNAL ];
and event = {
  1. mask : [ `Bits of int64 | `AUTO ];
and isr = {
  1. category : int;
  2. isr_resources : resource list;
  3. isr_messages : message list;
and message = {
  1. messageproperty : [ `SEND | `RECEIVE ];
  2. notification : message_notification;
  3. notificationerror : message_notification;
and message_notification = [
  1. | `NONE
  2. | `ACTIVATETASK of task
  3. | `SETEVENT of task * event
  4. | `COMCALLBACK of string
  5. | `FLAG of string

Innovation. Community. Security.